Varuna Surf

sustainable wooden surfboards



Varuna craft high-performance, sustainable wooden surfboards. Grown in Indonesia and designed by industry legends, they’re not your typical wooden surfboard. They believe that sustainability and performance are no longer mutually exclusive. At its core, is their mission, guided by a planet-first mindset, they work directly with shapers to replicate innovative designs consciously, ensuring the quality and performance of the Varuna construction.


Design and development of a responsive website. Varuna is a new and exciting process of surfboard manufacturing, therefore they needed to tell their story, simply and succinctly (video was the chosen option.) The Varuna website also required a lot of functionality, they wanted clients to discover the brand and then directly purchase product online (not just order), with multiple languages, multiple currencies with multiple shopping experiences.


We used the squarespace CMS for ease of development and for easy use (by the client) to alter product images and text. All video and imagery was supplied by the client, we optimised for quick upload and for consistency of format. Simple add-ons (available with the CMS) were used for the language and currency variations, this can be continually used when new languages and currencies are added. The website has an easy to use shopping functionality, with payments, taxes, shipping, fulfillment and tracking all processed automatically.


The main challenges when delivering a new website for Varuna Surf was to incorporate simple functionality for future languages and currencies. Functionality that could be updated by the client. Ease of navigation was vital so the viewer could firstly discover the varuna brand and offering, then go directly to the products they desired. Each product has multiple variations in length and colour, so this was incorporated into the shopping experience.


Varuna have seen an improvement in client interaction. Surfboard enquiries and sales are positive and they have opened customer focused stores in Bali and Byron Bay.